Richard Mansfield
Welcome back! Today's lesson is all about programming. If you're new to all of this, don't be intimidated. We'll be taking it one step at a time. And remember, if you're feeling a little lost during this lesson (or any lesson), hop over to the Discussion Area, and I'll be more than happy to answer your questions there.
We'll begin today by exploring several essential tools of computer programming, including variables, loops, and branches. And then you'll work with the VS Design window to create the surface of your program, the UI. You'll see how to exploit some of the editor's great features to create an attractive and efficient interface window, and you'll learn some shortcuts, too.
Finally, in Chapter 4, we'll launch into some serious programming. It's pretty amazing how much you can accomplish with only a few lines of code. One reason is that VB has a lot of capabilities built into the language, so you often don't have to write code yourself to do a job. For example, to alphabetize all the recipes in the cookbook program, you just need to type in one word: sorted. And VB sorts them for you!
Ready to get started? I'll see you in Chapter 2.
Discovering How Programs Work
Let's start by looking at some essential tools of computer programming. I mentioned variables, loops, and branches in the last chapter, so let's look at what these tools do.
Have you noticed that your computer behaves intelligently? You might think of your computer as a tireless but highly literal super-servant. It has a limited vocabulary, but it'll follow your commands until you ask it to stop.
Working with commands is the cornerstone of VB programming. In your VB programming, you'll use these 15 commands most often:
Let's look at each of these in action.
Dim RecipesFilePath As String
RecipesFilePath = "C:\XML Projects\cookbook\recipes.xml"
This value is a file path. It specifies where on your hard drive you can find the recipes.xml file. That's why I was smart to name it RecipesFilePath (if I do say so myself). Use descriptive variable names to make it easy to read your code.
Dim n As Integer
Blocks in a Computer Program
The word block means a set of programming lines that are grouped together, usually because they accomplish a single task. Sub . . . End Sub and If . . . Then are blocks of code, for example.
Here's how in the cookbook program you'll use a For...Each loop to add each recipe's title to a listbox that you named lstTitles:
For Each IndividualTitle In TheCollectionOfTitles RecipeTitle = IndividualTitle.InnerText contentslstTitles.Items.Add(RecipeTitle)Next recipe
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(XMLFileName) Then MsgBox("We were unable to open the cookbook's XML file: " & XMLFileName) EndEnd If
VB only executes these code lines (MsgBox and End) if the If statement is true. The If statement here states: If the filename does not exist, then show the MsgBox and End the program.
But if the file does exist, the program just skips over the code inside the If...End If block and continues executing whatever code lines that follow End If. This is why an If...Then block is an example of branching. The program takes one of two possible paths here: either executing the code lines within the If...Then section, or not.
Two Paths
Memorizing Code
You might well be asking yourself: "Am I supposed to memorize all this?!"
Don't worry. The answer is, no. You aren't supposed to memorize it!
Some VB commands like If, Print, and End are so easy to remember you couldn't forget them if you wanted to. But others are longer, like that code that checks to see if a file exists. Just don't worry about them. You can almost always easily find example code by Googling.
Try it. Type into Google: VB does a file exist. The very first Web page that Google shows me is this example code from Microsoft:
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("c://Check.txt") Then MsgBox("File found.")Else MsgBox("File not found.")End If
Problem solved. All I had to do was replace their example's filepath, C://Check.txt, with mine, and get rid of that Else part that I don't need.
What's more, you often don't even have to Google, because as you type in your code, VB displays lists of commands and definitions automatically (check out the FAQs for examples of this). Or you can press F1 to open a huge online programmer's reference called MSDN, short for Microsoft Developer Network.
Here's a secret—I didn't remember how to write that file-exists code! And I have a fair amount of experience with VB, having programmed for 32 years and written 14 books on VB.
To be even more deeply honest, I don't remember most VB programming techniques. Why bother memorizing these things when it's so easy to look them up?
The Internet is loaded with VB programming advice and countless code examples that you can copy and paste into your projects. Then all you have to do is modify it a little (if you need to). I don't know about you, but I have enough other essential things to remember without filling my pretty head with unnecessary memories.
Building a User Interface
Now that you know the fundamentals of VB code, let's add another component to the UI—a listbox control. A listbox control displays a list of items that the user can click. Then your program can respond to the user's selection. In our cookbook program, we'll show a list of all the recipe titles. When the user clicks one of them in the listbox, the program displays that recipe's instructions.
VB is called Visual Basic for a reason. You can just look in Toolbox for a UI component you want, and then you drop it onto your form. You don't have to write any code to create controls like buttons and listboxes. In VB, it's a pretty simple drag-and-drop.
Let's add a listbox control to the cookbook program now:
ListBox in the Toolbox
Great work! Here, take a look as I go through these steps with my cookbook program:
Chapter 3, Video 1:"Adding a Listbox to the Cookbook's User Interface", TRANSCRIPT
Let's now add a listbox control to our Cookbook program. So start Visual Studio running and, as usual, locate the Recent header and find the project that you were working on last and that you want to work on now. Double-click that and it opens up. In this case, it's showing us the Design window. That's because that was the last window we were working in. But should you happen to see the Code window right now, it's easy enough to get here to the Design window. Just right-click in the Code window, and then choose View Designer from the context menu.
All right. Let's try to open the Toolbox up here by clicking on it, and let's go down to the listbox and double-click that. As soon as you move your mouse cursor outside the Toolbox it automatically closes, and there's our listbox.
But let me show you one more way to add a control to a form. I'll temporarily get rid of this listbox and we'll put one on now by dragging instead of double-clicking. So we'll go down to the listbox and drag it over onto the form, automatically closing the Toolbox and also at the same time allowing us to position the listbox anywhere we want to by releasing the left mouse button. And there it is.
Remember that the purpose of this listbox is to allow the user to click one of the recipe titles and access the recipe's instructions. But the listbox won't be easy to use all tiny and lonely up there in the corner. This calls for a little UI designing.
Let's first make it larger so it'll display more titles.
A line shows when controls align
Users think that aligned controls look more professional, and they're right. You don't want your UI filled with components randomly askew! Of course you could align and position UI components by hand, eyeballing it—but why not take advantage of VB's shortcuts? In addition to the blue alignment lines, VB offers several more alignment tools. Let's look at them.
A frame around ListBox1 and the Exit button
You'll find even more tools for UI alignment and design in the Format menu.
Alignment tools in the Format menu
By grouping controls, you can modify them as a unit, rather than individually. You can also reposition the grouped listbox and button at the same time by dragging just one of them. Or you can resize them by dragging a selection square on just one of the controls.
If you change a value like text size in the Properties window, the text size of all the grouped controls changes. (When you group controls, the Properties window displays only the properties that the controls have in common.)
Grouping Limits
There's no limit to grouping. If you want to change the color of 12 buttons all at once, just group them and choose their new color in the Properties window. Done!
Let's make both the listbox and the exit button display size 12 text.
Both now have a larger, more readable text size. Nice work. Our final UI job is to enlarge the listbox.
Enlarged listbox
Now your listbox is tall enough to display plenty of recipe titles and wide enough so even the longest title will show.
Notice in the screen shot how I've positioned the listbox so it's the same distance on three of its sides from the edge of the form. And the button is similarly spaced that same distance from the sides of the form. This is yet another visual uniformity that says to your users, "Hey, this looks professional. This program is reliable and solidly built throughout. Whoever did this deserves a raise!"
Fine-tune Spacing
Here's a great way to fine-tune a control's spacing: Select the listbox, and then use the arrow keys to move it slowly around until it looks just right.
One final job.
All right, looking good. Now it's time to go behind the Design window and write the code that will fill this listbox with recipe titles.
Adding Source Code
Let's do some programming! Remember, you don't need to memorize this VB code, or even understand it completely. Your goal right now is simply to get comfortable with some elements of VB programming.
First up, let's start VS running so you can paste this lesson's programming code into it. Then we'll take a look at the code to see how it does its job. Follow these steps:
Add a Shortcut to Your Cookbook Program
You'll be opening the cookbook program quite often during this course, so why not make life easier by creating a desktop shortcut? Then in the future, you can just double-click that shortcut on your Windows desktop to quickly open the cookbook in the VB editor.
It's easy to create a shortcut: Right-click the cookbook.sln file in Windows Explorer, and then click Send To > Desktop (create shortcut) in the context menu:
Context menu with desktop shortcut option
Code window with sub added
Dim TheCollectionOfTitles As XmlNodeList Dim IndividualTitle As XmlNode Dim RecipeTitle As String doc = New XmlDocument() doc.Load(RecipesFilePath) lstTitles.Sorted = True If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(RecipesFilePath) Then MsgBox("We were unable to open the cookbook's XML file: " & RecipesFilePath) End End If TheCollectionOfTitles = doc.GetElementsByTagName("title") For Each IndividualTitle In TheCollectionOfTitles RecipeTitle = IndividualTitle.InnerText lstTitles.Items.Add(RecipeTitle) Next IndividualTitle
Got it selected? Great! Now we just want to copy and paste.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
By clicking just below this line, you're telling the editor that you want to paste right here.
How did you do? Take a look here as I walk through these steps. And don't worry about all those sawtooth error lines. We'll fix that in a minute!
Chapter 4, Video 1:"Copying Code From the Internet and Pasting It Into Visual Studio", TRANSCRIPT
We now want to copy some code from the browser to Visual Studio. So first, let's move to the Code window. You locate a spot somewhere on the blank form, not in one of the controls, but on the blank form, and double-click it, and there you are in the Code window. Now, this blinking insertion cursor here indicates where something pasted will go in the Code window, or for that matter, something that you type.
So let's go over to the browser by pressing Alt, Tab, which moves you quickly between programs in Windows, and here we are in the browser with this lesson code in it. Now, to copy the code, just hold down the left mouse button and select the code by moving down until you get to the bottom, and it's all selected. And to copy it now to the clipboard, press Control, C. Okay, Alt, Tab back to the Code window and all you do to paste it in is press Control, V, and there it is
Next up, default events . . .
Understanding Default Events
When you double-click in the Design window, VB takes you to the Code window. And VB then automatically adds whichever sub is the most commonly used event for the control you clicked. An event (or sub) is something that happens while a program is running (for example, a timer counts down to 0, or the user types something or clicks a button). Most controls have many events that can happen to them, such as click, dragdrop, textchanged, mousewheel, and so on.
And most VB programming code (or source code) is written inside events, because you need to tell the program what to do when one of these events happens. Think of this as similar to telling a rookie coach exactly how to act in various situations—a player gets injured, or a fan freaks out and runs onto the field, or the team revolts. You get the idea.
When you double-clicked your form in the Design window a few minutes ago, the Code window opened and automatically created a Form_Load event. For a form, the Load event is the most common sub. So VB creates that sub when you double-click a form.
Almost every VB program contains a Form_Load event. When a program first starts running, VB will execute any lines of code you've written between the Sub Form_Load and End Sub. VB executes this code before the program even shows the form to the user.
What Does Load Mean in Computerese?
Load means to copy a program (or file) from the hard drive (long-term memory) into the computer's RAM (short-term memory). RAM runs far faster than a hard drive. But the hard drive is much larger than RAM, so it holds lots of programs and other data.
The first thing the cookbook program needs to do is display a list of all the recipe titles. You can write that code here in Form_Load.
Here are the six tasks you want VB to do in your cookbook program's Form_Load event:
Sounds like a lot of code. But guess how many lines of code you'll need to write accomplish these six tasks?
15 Lines of code
Take another look at the first item in that list of six tasks. Did you notice the new command called collection? That's a set of related objects that you can manipulate as a unit.
Once grouped together, you can easily go through the collection of objects one-by-one by using a For...Next loop. You'll do exactly that in the cookbook program's Form_Load event to fill the listbox with the recipe titles.
Some Interesting Programming
Now let's translate what VB is doing in some interesting parts of this sub. Most subs start with any necessary Dim statements. If you'll remember, a Dim statement creates a variable. This sub needs three variables:
Dim RecipeTitle As String Dim TheCollectionOfTitles As XmlNodeList Dim IndividualTitle As XmlNode
First, you declare an ordinary string variable that you name RecipeTitle. This variable will hold text like Spaghetti, or The Secret to Perfect Coleslaw, or whatever the content happens to be in the title element you're working with at the time the code executes. This explains why they're called variables. The contents in a variable can vary or change while a program runs. It doesn't have to change, but it can.
The other two items you Dim here are objects, but you can think of them as a kind of super-variable. Objects can hold multiple values (an ordinary variable only holds a single value—like the number 17 or the text car parts.)
Think of the XMLNodeList and XMLNode objects as containers—similar to variables, but larger and more capable. They can contain many XML elements at once.
doc = New XmlDocument() doc.Load(RecipesFilePath)
These two lines of code bring to life the object we're calling doc. The first line declares that this is an XML document container. The Doc object will hold your entire recipes.xml document! Now you know why an object is like a super-variable.
The next code line, doc.Load(RecipesFilePath), copies the recipes.xml file from the hard drive into the doc object in RAM memory. It's like the way that the Form_Load event copies the cookbook program from the hard drive into RAM. In both cases, you load these things because RAM is so much faster than a hard drive.
From now on, when you refer to doc in your code, you can access any of the elements and contents of recipes.xml!
Adding Some Housekeeping Code
All right, let's do a little housekeeping. We're going to add three lines of code at the top of the Code window, above the subs. This way, all of the subs in the program can use them.
Type these boldface lines into the editor, as indicated:
Imports System.Xml Public Class Form1 Dim RecipesFilePath As String = "C:\XML Projects\cookbook\recipes.xml" Dim doc As XmlDocument
The Imports statement refers to a whole library of useful XML commands. The two Dim statements tell the program where our recipes.xml file is located (and that the variable doc is an XmlDocument). Several subs in the program need to use the file path and the doc object, so rather than repeatedly creating them in each sub, you can just put them up here and any sub can then access them. Variables declared up top like this are what we call global variables (as opposed to the local variables declared within subs).
Testing the Code
To test the cookbook program properly, you'll want to have more than just one recipe in the recipes.xml document. Follow these steps to replace your current recipes.xml file with the new version that has two new dishes:
Okay, you're now ready to test the code you added to the Form_Load sub in this lesson. Press F5 in the editor to run the cookbook program. It should fill the listbox with three recipe titles and look like this:
Voila! Your program works as planned
If something doesn't work right, take a look at the tips in the FAQs section.
Let's Chat!
Also, I showed you how to use the arrow keys to fine-tune the position of buttons and other controls on a form. The editor is full of dozens of great tools and tricks like this. If you've discovered any of them on your own, let us know in the Discussion Area. This is the place to share your findings with your classmates!
Remember, you don't have to memorize code (unless you have a photographic memory and can't help it). My goal is to give you the tools you'll need to eventually write your own code. And that simply means feeling comfortable using the editor's Design and Code windows, knowing where to look for sample code on the Internet, and accepting the fact that we programmers rarely get it right the first time.
When you program, it's not like writing a postcard to a friend. You're instructing a very literal machine. (If you told a computer that you saw a really cool movie, it would think "air-conditioned theater.")
But if you have a lingering question about this code, or anything else in this lesson, please let me know in the Discussion Area!
Congratulations! Now you know the most common basic programming techniques: using variables, creating loops to do repetitive tasks, and branching to different locations in the code. You also heard my confession: Even after three decades of working with VB, I still have to look up descriptions and code samples for much of my programming.
Sure, there are some photographic-memory geniuses out there who can hold in their buzzing heads every command and technique in the VB language. But most of us use Google and other online resources to find code explanations and examples that we can copy into our own programs. Well, maybe copy is too strong a word. Modify is probably more accurate.
Take a look at the FAQs and Supplementary Material section for this lesson, and be sure to take the quiz and do the assignment. In our next lesson, you'll learn how to use cascading style sheets to format XML documents so they look good in browsers like Internet Explorer.
Take a look at this series of video tutorials for VB beginners. Some of the material is a bit advanced, but you'll find lessons on topics like branching and looping if you want to further explore some of the concepts introduced in this lesson.
Q: What can I do if things go awry with my coding?
A: They call it debugging. If you press F5 to test the cookbook program, but you don't see anything onscreen (or maybe if something else unexpected happens), don't be embarrassed. All programmers have to deal with bugs in any but the simplest project. Perhaps you added an extra letter to a command or punctuated incorrectly. This happens all the time—even to the most talented code jockeys!
Start your debugging by taking a look at the Error List at the bottom of the Code window, and see if it identifies the problem. It can even tell you the line number that's causing trouble.
If you don't have time to proofread your code to find the error, just click this button to see the tested, working code:
Q: You've talked a lot about VB's most common words and phrases, but what about the punctuation?
A: VB uses very little punctuation. Some other computer programs fill their code with confusing brackets, braces, semicolons, and whatnot. But VB mostly relies on only these five:
MsgBox("We were unable to open the cookbook's XML file.")
This illustrates yet another reason that you don't need to worry about memorizing VB's vocabulary words. As soon as you type a period or parenthesis following code like lstTitles.Items., VB will drop a box to show you all the commands you can use with it:
VB command drop-box
Call lstTitles_Click(Me, e)
A: Good question. Calling means triggering (or executing) an event. For example, in the Form_Load event we want to execute the listbox's Click event, so we Call it, like this:
This Call command executes the listbox's Click event. It's just the same as if the user had clicked the listbox. But here you're doing it in the programming instead. Calling an event like this always requires the Me and e arguments you see in the above example. Don't worry why. It just works!
Q: Can you make up your own variable names?
A: Actually, you have to. VB won't do it for you. But that's a good thing, because that way you'll come up with names that are easy for you to understand.
Just as you make up tag names in XML, you make up your own variable or object names in VB. The computer doesn't care what names you create. In this lesson, I chose IndividualTitle and TheCollectionOfTitles as variable names, because to me they make this code read like plain English:
For Each IndividualTitle In TheCollectionOfTitles
But instead of my IndividualTitle, you could choose ParticularTitle, or ASingleTitle, or Fred. But it's best to choose something descriptive, so that eliminates Fred.
Also, as long as you're in this course, please stick with the variable names I'm using so we're all working with the same code. That's best for discussions, quizzes, and so on. Later, when you write your own programs, anything goes!
Q: Why does VB's Code window display my programming in various different colors?
A: You're right. Some of the code is black, but a lot of it is pretty colorful! The coloring is supposed to help you to quickly recognize different kinds of code. Default colors include blue for VB's own commands (like End or Call), black for your variable names, red for string content, blue-green (cyan) for objects, and grass green for your comments. It's especially helpful to be able to read the code and immediately distinguish between the comments (green) from the code that will actually execute.
You can change these colors if you wish. (You can customize the editor in 100 ways.) Here's how to modify the code color scheme:
Changing colors for code types
Let's get some more practice aligning and grouping controls:
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